Key West Bight Marina Tips for Boaters Coming Down South for the Fall and Winter Months

In Florida, we don’t have typical “seasons,” which means that in the fall and winter months, Key West gets a whole lot of snowbirds coming down to enjoy the beautiful weather and environment. With snowbird season just around the corner, here are some tips for making the experience a great one for your time at the Key West Historic Seaport and Key West Bight Marina with your boat over the coming months:

Budget Smart!

a bag of moneyFirst, figure out how much money you’ll need to budget while you’re away from home, and put aside some money “for a rainy day” should unexpected expenses arise (and according to Murphy’s Law, they may!)

You should also think about enrolling in automatic online bill payments so that you don’t have to worry about forgetting to take care of any bills or due/overdue expenses back home.

Make Time for Work and Play
With the world of work having changed dramatically since the beginning of COVID-19, for some of us, there are plenty of ways to work flexibly and productively from wherever we are around the globe. If that doesn’t apply to your job or you’re already retired, no worries! Well, more like one less worry.

boat safety symbol.

Don’t “Go Overboard” With Planning
If it’s your first experience snowbirding, instead of making plans for the entirety of the winter, consider extending your season for a month or two. You might decide after that time you’d prefer to close up shop for the winter.

Always Safety First!
Your’s and your crew’s safety should always be the top priority. Make sure you have all of the required and proper correct safety equipment and gear aboard your vessel.

Make new friends!

people riding two boats together in the water.If you’re typically a shy person, what better time to step out of your comfort zone than down in Key West? You never know who you’re going to strike up a conversation with and perhaps become lifelong friends.


Finally, if this isn’t your first rodeo (or boat ride), what recommendations do you have for those first-time Key West boating snowbirds? Leave a comment and let us know!

For more information on the restaurants, shops, watersports, fishing, & other excursions available at Key West Bight Marina, visit and, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram + YouTube!